SD cards, especially the micro types, are used in many applications for storing programs, configuration data, tables, or used as external storage device. SD Controller core uses the System Peripheral Interface (SPI) to communicate with the SD-card in electronic systems. SPI is a very well-known serial communication bus. It uses few signals and does not require specialized transceivers which is an advantage for ASIC designs. Chips (whether ASIC or FPGA) can integrate LeWiz SD controller(s) for connecting to external SD-card, flash memory, and other peripherals. Other uses of LeWiz SD Controller core include read/write of stored bit files for FPGA configuration as well as software programs/data for SOC chips that are used in applications such as aerospace, storage systems, network control, etc.
Designed for short-distance inter-chip communication, the SD controller core excels in data transfers to/from SD cards and from external SPI device(s). Additionally, through the device's master-slave interface, the SD controller core has efficient data transmissions with on-chip buffers. A single controller can simultaneously manage multiple slave peripheral devices.