July 15, 2020

This demo shows the integration of LDPC (low-density parity-check) and OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division modulation) in an emulated wireless system. LDPC is preferred for its support of high data rate, high efficiency, and good for environment with a great deal of background noise or data corruption. Useful for 5G, WIFI, WiMAX, Digital TV, SATCOM, etc.

The application demonstrated is Ltransfer running on an ARM emulated sub-system to transmit/receive data across an LDPC/OFDM wireless link. Errors are injected and corrected by the system.

Also demonstrated is simultaneous emulation and simulation running in cooperation to overcome performance issues and still using low cost PC systems.

Additional References:

July 13, 2020

This demo is about mobile networking (MANET). It's a part of LeWiz's wireless demo video series.
MANET uses no networking infrastructure so it can be deployed anywhere.
The routing protocol used is the active-routing OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing). Its main advantage is to reduce latency in network routing.